Nelson Tree & Shrub 21-6-8 4lb


Sale price$12.85


NutriStar for Foliage Plants is mainly for trees and shrubs. NutriStar has five sources of nitrogen, each with a different time-release characteristic to insure that your plant has the nutrient for fast green-up and then sustains healthy growth for up to four months.This fertilizer blend contains ureaform, monoammonium phosphate, polymer coated urea, activated sludge, sulfur, potassium nitrate, ferrous sulfate, magnesium sulfate, calcium sulfate, sulfur, zinc sulfate, manganese sulfate, copper sulfate, potassium sulfate.Great fertilizer for: Oaks, Willows, Ash, Maples, Pines, Mulberries, Yaupon, Hollies, Oleander, Viburnum, Boxwood, Cleyera, Spirea, Ground Covers, Nandina, Loropetalums

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